
~$140M in debt relief provide to 西班牙&E customers over the past three years

可持续发展目标的三分之一&E customers receiving some form of assistance

圣地亚哥, 2023年3月3日 /PR新闻wire/ -- Recognizing the financial hardships brought on by inflation, the lingering effects of the COVID p和emic 和 the recent surge in winter heating bills driven by natural gas market volatility, 圣地亚哥天然气 & 电 has redoubled its efforts to help its customers by securing 和 offering debt relief, as well as various bill assistance programs.

自2020年以来,可持续发展目标&E customers have received about 1.4亿美元 in debt relief – a combination of state 和 federal resources that 西班牙&E has either played a role in securing, administering, or processing. This consists of nearly 1.14亿美元 西班牙&E applied for 和 secured on behalf of its customers via the California Arrearage Payment Program to offset customers' outst和ing bills incurred between 2020年3月4日12月. 31, 2021; more than 1000万美元 processed through the federally funded Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to offset overdue bills; 和 more than 1500万美元 原谅下 Arrearage Management Payment Plan.

此外,西班牙&E has run multiple marketing campaigns 和 collaborated with many nonprofit, community-based organizations to publicize a variety of assistance programs. 大约是可持续发展目标的三分之一&E customers are enrolled in assistance programs ranging from bill discounts to debt forgiveness to payment arrangements.

“通货膨胀, the lingering effects of the p和emic, 和 the recent unprecedented conditions in the natural gas market have caused financial strain for our customers,可持续发展目标说。&E Vice President of Customer Services 达纳·戈兰高地. "Our priority is to help them get the financial relief they need through a variety of assistance programs."


  • ~ 354,000可持续发展目标&E customers are currently enrolled in the CARE program, which offers 30% or more in bill discounts for income-qualified customers.
  • 超过12个,000客户, who don't qualify for the CARE discount, are enrolled in the FERA program, which offers an 18% discount on electric bills.
  • 近11,600 customers are enrolled in the Arrearage Management Payment Plan, a 12-month payment plan that forgives up to $8,000 公用事业债务.
  • Nearly 50,000客户 are currently enrolled in payment installment plans.
  • Nearly 70,000客户 are enrolled in the Medical Baseline Program, which provides a higher allowance of electricity at a lower cost for eligible customers who depend on certain medical devices for their health.

More information about assistance programs can be found at sdge.com/assistance.

西班牙&E Shareholder-Funded Assistance Programs
最近,西班牙&E还宣布 1600万美元 in relief for customers 和 in community assistance funds. As part this commitment, 西班牙&E将资助一个新的 1000万美元 program to support local nonprofit, community-based organizations that provide essential services to vulnerable residents. The company is also immediately increasing funding for its Neighbor-to-Neighbor bill assistance program to 600万美元 while doubling the amount of financial support available to each qualifying household (from $300 to $600 per year), exp和ing eligibility to ensure more customers can take advantage of the program.

CA Climate Credit Offsetting February 和 March Bills
西班牙&E customers are also seeing some bill relief in February 和 March, thanks the California Climate Credit. 西班牙&E worked with regulators to move up the timing of the natural gas 和 electric climate 信贷 to help offset winter bills. In February, natural gas customers received a $43.40 信贷, 和 this month, electric customers will see a $60.70 信贷. The California Public Utilities Commission moved up the timing of the climate 信贷 to provide winter bill relief.

西班牙&E是一个创新的 圣地亚哥-based energy company that provides clean, safe 和 reliable energy to better the lives of the people it serves in 圣地亚哥 和南部 橙色 县. The company is committed to creating a sustainable future by providing its electricity from renewable sources; modernizing natural gas pipelines; accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles; supporting numerous non-profit partners; 和, investing in innovative technologies to ensure the reliable operation of the region's infrastructure for generations to come. 西班牙&E is a subsidiary of Sempra (NYSE: SRE). For more information, visit 西班牙Enews.com 或与可持续发展目标相联系&E在推特上 (@西班牙E)、Instagram (@西班牙E), 脸谱网.

(PR新闻foto/圣地亚哥天然气 & 电气(西班牙&E))


圣地亚哥天然气 & 电


Anthony Wagner, 圣地亚哥天然气 & 电, 877-866-2066, sdge.Twitter: @sdge