
CA首次公开, DC fast chargers for electric medium and heavy-duty vehicles at a truck stop open for public use


美国附近的充电器.S./墨西哥 边境 speed up charging for trucks, 送货车, 公共汽车和其他大型车辆. 

圣地亚哥, 2023年3月27日 /美通社/——今天,圣地亚哥天然气公司 & 电, 还有地方和州政府官员, 揭晓四名公众, direct current (DC) fast chargers at a busy truck stop just north of the Otay台面 Port of Entry – the first of its kind to open at a truck stop in 加州 为中型和重型车辆提供服务. While these chargers are designed to provide high power charging for trucks, 送货车, 公共汽车和其他大型车辆, 它们也可以用来给乘用车充电.  

安装在卡车网络有限责任公司,8490大道德拉 特别是当,靠近美国。.S./墨西哥 边境, the 250-kilowatt (kW) chargers can provide up to 250 miles per hour of charging for a passenger car. They can charge a typical medium-duty box truck from 20%-80% in about an hour and fully charge from empty to 100% in about two hours.

奥泰梅萨入境口岸是 最繁忙的商业过境点 in 加州, processing nearly one million commercial trucks and five million privately owned vehicles each year. Idling vehicles waiting to cross the 边境 is a key contributor to air pollution in the 圣地亚哥 地区.

"Reducing air pollution and tailpipe emissions are top priorities for our 地区 and 加州 特别是在公平优先社区和可持续发展目标方面&E is committed to building the infrastructure needed to enable businesses and residents to adopt electric vehicles and other clean technologies,可持续发展目标说。&E首席执行官 卡罗琳·韦恩. "We all share the goal of building a cleaner, more sustainable and healthier future."

Winn was joined by several dignitaries at the event, including 加州 Energy Commissioner (CEC) Patty Monahan; 圣地亚哥县 监事会主席 诺拉Vargas, who serves on the 加州 Air Resources Board and the County Air Pollution Control District board, in addition to being chair of the 圣地亚哥 Association of Governments (SANDAG) board.

"Air pollution doesn't recognize national boundaries, and to accommodate the transition to zero-emission trucks on both sides of the 边境, it's critically important that we rapidly scale up the charging network,莫纳汉专员说. "The 加州 Energy Commission is helping fund this project and others across the state to build a better and more equitable charging infrastructure system for both cars and trucks."

充电器是由一个 $200,000 通过CEC的拨款 清洁交通计划. Now in its 14th year, the program has been an essential part in making 加州 a leader in zero-emission transportation, providing more than 10亿美元 to alternative fuel and vehicle technology projects that deliver health, 环境, 以及给社区带来的经济利益. Funding for the program is scheduled to phase out at the end of the year.

西班牙&E built the underlying infrastructure tying the chargers to the grid, as part of its 为车队提供动力计划. The program connects fleet operators with resources and financial incentives to easily and cost-effectively design and install charging infrastructure for medium and heavy-duty fleets.

Vargas主席,他代表 Otay台面 and who is a leading champion of 环境 justice and equity, emphasized the importance of reducing emissions in 边境 communities and communities of color that have historically been overburdened by pollution due their proximity to high traffic corridors.

“作为一个 fronteriza and someone who has experienced first-hand the air pollution associated with long lines of idling vehicles waiting to cross the 边境, I am thrilled to see the electric vehicle chargers installed at this truck stop,主管说。 诺拉Vargas,委员会主席 圣地亚哥县 监事会. "This is a true community infrastructure solution that proves that through public-private partnerships, we can improve poor air quality for families and children and promote economic prosperity for the binational 地区."

该项目帮助支持政府. 加文·纽森的 executive order requiring sales of all new passenger vehicles to be zero-emission by 2035 and medium and heavy-duty vehicles (class2b-8) to be zero-emission by 2045 where feasible. 根据 CEC, nearly a million battery-electric cars have been sold in 加州 and nearly 2,000 zero-emission trucks and buses are on the road today. The state also has more than 80,000 public and shared private EV chargers. 绝大多数(约90%)是这样 二级充电器, which provide 14-35 miles of range per hour of charging. 剩下的10%是直流快速充电器.

西班牙&E是一个创新的 圣地亚哥这家美国能源公司提供清洁能源, safe and reliable energy to better the lives of the people it serves in 圣地亚哥 和南部 橙色 县. The company is committed to creating a sustainable future by providing its electricity from renewable sources; modernizing natural gas pipelines; accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles; supporting numerous non-profit partners; and, investing in innovative technologies to ensure the reliable operation of the 地区's infrastructure for generations to come. 西班牙&E是森普拉(NYSE: SRE)的子公司。. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 西班牙Enews.com 或与可持续发展目标相联系&E在推特上 (@西班牙E)、Instagram (@西班牙E), 脸谱网.

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圣地亚哥天然气 & 电


安东尼·瓦格纳,圣地亚哥天然气公司 & 电气,858-649-3570,sdge.Twitter: @sdge