
洛杉矶大都会基督教青年会收到325美元,000 Donation to Address Food Insecurity from SoCalGas” 推动我们的社区 Initiative


SoCalGas” 400万美元 Initiative 推动我们的社区 will provide food for families and seniors in need; Largest Donation to the YMCA of Metropolitan 洛杉矶 will provide 20,000份餐点

洛杉矶, 2023年6月27日 /美通社/——作为SoCalGas 2023计划的一部分 推动我们的社区 主动出击,公司宣布了一项 $325,000 给洛杉矶基督教青年会的捐款. 这是给基督教青年会的捐款, 饲料拉, 可供大约20人食用,全国低收入居民达1000人 洛杉矶县 提供打包带走的食物和新鲜农产品.

的 grant to the YMCA-LA is the largest of several other anticipated donations to local charities, funding local nonprofits' programs to provide meals and groceries for low-income individuals this year. SoCalGas正在扩大2023年的影响 推动我们的社区 分配主动性 400万美元, 这是迄今为止最大的承诺, to new and existing partnerships with food banks and nonprofits throughout SoCalGas” 12-county service area.

“面对粮食不安全, our district's strength lies in the unwavering commitment of organizations like the YMCA, dedicated to fostering equitable access to nutritional meals for those in need,” 国会议员 吉米·戈麦斯 (CA-34). “透过社区伙伴的慷慨支持, 基督教青年会将扩大其影响范围, providing even more nutritious food to families and individuals across the district. 与此同时, I will continue working in Congress to expand food nutrition programs and ensure healthy meals are accessible and affordable for everyone." 

"Food insecurity is a serious crisis that affects a significant number of residents in LA County,” 洛杉矶县 主管 希尔达L. 索利斯代表第一选区. “我很感激像基督教青年会这样的社区合作伙伴, 它努力确保每个人, 不管他们的情况如何, 有公平的机会获得营养膳食吗. 我衷心感谢社会公益基金会的慷慨捐助, as it will empower the YMCA to expand the number of meals it provides to individuals and families in need across the County."

的 YMCA Of Metropolitan 洛杉矶' 饲料拉 program provides fresh food and nutritious meals in underserved areas and is aimed toward ending food insecurity in 洛杉矶县. Hunger continues to be a pressing and widespread issue with a recent study revealing 大约四分之一的居民 面临粮食不安全. 基督教青年会仍然坚定不移地致力于确保 洛杉矶 居民可以选择健康的食物. 到目前为止, the YMCA-LA's food insecurity programs have distributed over 9 million pounds of fresh produce to low-income families and seniors.

"的 YMCA-LA Feed LA program has fed thousands of families in need throughout 洛杉矶 两年多了。 维克多Dominguez他是洛杉矶大都会基督教青年会的总裁兼首席执行官. “这是由于SoCalGas对这个项目的慷慨捐助, we can continue to fight food insecurity in communities that need help the most and we are grateful for their partnership and support." 

通过与SoCalGas合作, the YMCA-LA is able to expand the program to San Fernando Valley communities in need, 资助老年人上门接生, 并在一些地点增加“补给洛杉矶”项目的频率, 同时继续在Y分支机构为家庭服务 洛杉矶县. Both the YMCA-LA and SoCalGas are committed to bridging the gap in food access for underserved communities by providing nutritious meals and groceries to thousands of families.

"推动我们的社区 is one way we demonstrate SoCalGas” commitment to investing in our service area communities. Partnering with the YMCA of Metropolitan 洛杉矶 was an easy choice because of their reach and relationships with the communities they serve,” SoCalGas首席运营官 吉米·曹. “粮食不安全是整个州的一个关键问题, with many local food banks reporting that they are serving double the amount of people compared with 2019. This initiative began during the COVID-19 pandemic and partnerships like this one with the LA Y have helped provide tens of thousands of families with fresh produce and food."

推动我们的社区 initiative began in 2020 as a collaborative effort between SoCalGas and five regional nonprofits in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 在它的第一个夏天, 该项目成功提供了140多名学生,000餐至40餐,000名来自服务欠缺社区的人 南加州.

SoCalGas正在扩大2023年的影响 推动我们的社区 分配主动性 400万美元, 这是迄今为止最大的承诺, to new and existing partnerships with food banks and nonprofits throughout SoCalGas” 12-county service area. 这一扩展将主要集中在为有需要的家庭和老年人服务, 为弱势群体提供急需的粮食支持.

SoCalGas remains committed to making a positive difference in the communities it serves, and the 推动我们的社区 努力是这种持续奉献精神的证明. 通过解决粮食不安全问题 洛杉矶县, SoCalGas and its partners aim to create a healthier and more sustainable future for all.

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总部设在 洛杉矶SoCalGas®是美国最大的天然气配送公司 美国. SoCalGas提供价格合理的服务, 可靠的, and increasingly renewable gas service to over 21 million consumers across 24,中环和中环的面积达一千平方英里 南加州. Gas delivered through the company's pipelines will continue to play a key role in 加州的 clean energy transition—providing electric grid reliability and supporting wind and solar energy deployment.

SoCalGas的使命是建造最清洁的, 美国最安全最创新的能源基础设施公司. 支持这一任务, SoCalGas aspires to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in its operations and delivery of energy by 2045 and to replacing 20 percent of its traditional natural gas supply to core customers with renewable natural gas (RNG) by 2030. Renewable natural gas is made from waste created by landfills and wastewater treatment plants. SoCalGas is also committed to investing in its gas delivery infrastructure while keeping bills affordable for customers. SoCalGas is a subsidiary of Sempra (NYSE: SRE), an energy infrastructure company based in 圣地亚哥.

欲了解更多信息,请访问socialgas.com/newsroom or connect with SoCalGas on 推特 (@SoCalGas), Instagram (@SoCalGas) and 脸谱网.

关于洛杉矶大都会基督教青年会: 的 YMCA-LA is committed to rebuilding communities by providing equitable programs and services to empower all Angelenos. 世界粮食计划署的重点是解决粮食不安全问题, 促进教育公平, 确保每个孩子都有机会体验运动的乐趣, 确保儿童和青少年有一个安全的成长环境, 学习健康的生活方式. 的 LA-Y's health and wellness initiatives offer medical and mental health resources to ensure everyone has access to basic health needs. During the pandemic, the LA-Y became the safety net for millions of Angelenos. 他们提供了数百万顿饭, 数十万小时的免费托儿服务, 安排关键的献血活动, 为无家可归者提供淋浴, 流感和COVID疫苗以及医疗和心理健康援助.  访问  http://www.ymcala.org 了解更多信息. 跟着我们走 脸谱网, Instagram or 推特.

SoCalGas标志(prnewsphoto /圣地亚哥 Gas) & 电力,南加州天然气公司)



媒体联系人:Lisa Vega, (213)247-3075; (电子邮件保护); SOCALGAS MEDIA CONTACT: Denise Campos, Office of Media and Public Information, (213) 244-2442, (电子邮件保护)